100 t gantry crane delivered to
Haba-Beton within just six months

Teichmann Krane set a new record in terms of delivery time by supplying a 100 t double-girder gantry crane to Haba-Beton in Mantel, Germany, within just six months. This 25 m span gantry crane will be used for handling and loading heavy-duty precast elements and large concrete pipes. The new crane is equipped with a frequency inverter control unit permitting precise load handling and crane control, thus preventing dangerous load sway, which is crucial when having to handle precast elements weighing up to 100 tonnes.

In addition, the crane’s features include regenerative inverters that feed its braking energy back into the grid. Lighting of the crane is ensured by energy-saving LED lights.

The new crane also includes state-of-the-art chassis units specially designed and developed by TeichmannGruppe. The crane wheels can be readjusted to required operational tolerances at any time in order to prevent excessive wear.



Am Stadthafen 40

45356 Essen/Germany

+49 201 834 55-74



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