Prinzing system excels in the Czech market
Our September issue already featured one of the plants operated by Best, a.s. The September contribution concentrated on quality control in paver production. This article portrays the Best plant at Mohelnice, which has been producing monolithic manhole bases for several months already using the Primuss® system supplied by Prinzing.
Setting new standards
Best, a.s. is probably the largest precast producer in the Czech Republic. Right after the end of the Communist regime, this company was newly founded in 1990. Today, the business dominates large parts of the domestic market but also export products to Germany, Austria, Poland and Slovakia. The company currently operates seven manufacturing sites with a total of 23 production lines in the Czech regions of Bohemia and Moravia. Also, the company is currently preparing the construction of a new production site in Romania. The portfolio of the business is complemented by...