Innovation Award of the Concrete Supplier Industry 2024

The Innovation Award of the Concrete Components’ Supplier Industry is back and the starting signal for the submission of applications has been given. Once again, innovative products, processes and services are being sought that improve the production of concrete components and concrete products, save time and money in the production process, or contribute to an optimized construction process. Applications are open to companies from the machine, software, and supplier industries as well as research institutes with new developments for the precast concrete industry that are ready for the market between 2021 and 2024 from the following areas:

Manufacturing technology/product handling,

Machine and plant engineering,

Reinforcement and fastening technology,

Concrete technology,

Automation and Service.

The composition of the jury has been redesigned and gives a voice to perspective researchers and industry representatives with their expertise for the future of construction. The new jury is composed as follows:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Garrecht, University of Stuttgart and Chairman of the Jury,

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sandra Gelbrich, University of Chemnitz,

Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Elisabeth Hierlein, FDB Ass.,

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andrea Kustermann, Munich University of Applied Sciences,

Dr.-Ing. Jennifer C. Scheydt, BMI Germany,

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Danièle Waldmann-Diederich, Darmstadt University of Technology,

Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Braun, Double Wall Bavaria,

Dipl.-Ing. Christian Drössler, FDB Association,

Prof. Dr. Dominik Kueres, Munich University of Applied Sciences,

Dipl.-Ing. Hans-Georg Müller, Federal Association of Concrete Channel Systems,

Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Rekers, Research Ass. of the German Concrete and Precast Industry,

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Silvio Schade, BFT International/Bauverlag,

Andreas Schlemmer, SLG.

The Innovation Award has been offered since 2002 and is now an integral part of the BetonTage. In the future, the Innovation Award will be offered every two years. Interested companies can submit their documents in digital form until February 10, 2024. The main selection criteria are the degree of innovation and originality of the proposal, the relevance for the precast concrete industry, and the market and application potential.

The final evaluation and determination of the award winner(s) will take place in a non-public jury session. At the congress opening of the 68th BetonTage on May 14, 2024, the jury chairman will award the winner(s) of the Innovation Award 2024.

The tender documents and further information are available at www.innovationspreis-betonbauteile.de.


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