Concentrated knowledge at the BAU trade show
The trade magazine BFT International and the publisher Bauverlag will be represented with their own stand at the world‘s leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems also in 2015. Apart from its magazines and publications, Bauverlag will present the new trade information portal
//" target="_blank" > at stand 08 (joint stand of the Docu Group) situated in the West Entrance foyer.
The architecture journals Bauwelt and DBZ will also be represented at the stand. On the occasion of BAU taking place from 19 to 23 January 2015, they will present free tours to the exhibition highlights. During the guided tours to renowned exhibitors, the participants will get a comprehensive idea of the companies visited and their product portfolios. The tours will start from the joint stand of Docu Group. All those interested will find further information at //" target="_blank" >, where registrations for the guided tours are directly possible. The number of participants is limited.
Award for the „First Works“
On Tuesday, 20 January 2015, at 02.00 p.m., the journal Bauwelt will present the award „first works“ in cooperation with Messe Munich. This prize is awarding the work of young architects already for the ninth time. From more than 150 works, the jury awarded six projects from Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and Spain. The prize awarding ceremony will take place at the gallery in the West Entrance area.
The congress on the Future of Building will take place in forum C2 during all trade show days. The six topics of the congress highlight necessary changes relating to all matters of architecture and building that are resulting from factors as the energy transition, demographic and social changes.