New DAfStb guideline volume 619

Determination of characteristic compressive strengths of concrete and derived parameters in existing contexts

The determination of the actual mechanical properties of the materials used in building is a central element in the reanalysis of existing load-bearing structures. Generally, such values can be estimated with the aid of “DAfStb-Sachstandberichts Bauen im Bestand – Teil I” (DAfStb Status Report on Construction in Existing Contexts – Part I) by the classification of historical material definitions from planning documents relating to strength values according to Eurocode. For a reliable reanalysis including a potential modification of the partial safety factors, it is however necessary to check...

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Determination of characteristic compressive strengths in existing structures –

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Development and checking of the characteristic parameters

As high-strength concrete in general may only be manufactured in monitoring class 3, no additional supervision would be required for the use of a high-strength self-compacting concrete (HSCC), instead...

Issue 02/2018 Part 2: Design and construction

The new DAfStb Guideline on UHPC

The design and construction part of the DAfStb Guideline on UHPC replicates the structure of EN 1992-1-1. The verification methods are based on the design principles for reinforced and prestressed...

Issue 02/2021

DAfStb guideline on “Structural concrete members with non-metal reinforcement”

Developments in the field of non-metal types of reinforcement are emerging both in Germany with the C3 project (e.g. [1]), technical approvals and pilot projects, and in Europe with the...

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Building in the context of existing structures:

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