Flood protection used professionally

The Swiss Block AG, being a Swiss market leader in the field of modular concrete block systems, has also been present in Germany now. The SwissBlock products are convincing with a clever system that opens up manifold fields of application.

In Switzerland, the Swiss Block AG has been on a successful course for ten years now with its innovative concrete block system and is leading in the market with more than 60,000 pre-cast modules produced. As the only supplier in this segment, Swiss Block provides its manufacturers and final customers an extensive system solution and comprehensive product management, according to the supplier. Upon request, this includes planning and structural analysis as well as support in project implementation.


Concrete with a system

SwissBlock is a modular concrete block which is produced of standardized fresh concrete or high-quality recycled concrete and is explicitly aiming at the precast industry. The high-quality precast concrete element is manufactured in one pour on the basis of the applicable construction products standards. The SwissBlock pre-cast modules not only distinctly differ from the other well-known „Lego blocks“ in terms of quality, but also in respect of the possible range of applications. The high degree of suitability for use makes the SwissBlock unique and the most flexible concrete block system in the precast industry.


Protection against natural hazards

On principle, it is not possible to prevent natural phenomena. However, using proper measures, the impacts of hazardous events on humans, building structures and the environment can be reduced. Purposeful protection structures can minimize floods of settlement areas and traffic routes. Mobile flood protection measures are to be flexible, stable and efficient.

Using SwissBlock pre-cast modules, protective barriers can be erected up to a height of 1.50 m in a minimum of time with a small number of staff. Apart from water and wave pressure, due to its self-weight this rugged modular concrete block system also withstands debris and driftwood, thus being very effective along watercourses too. Where necessary, any unevenness, transitions and gaps can be closed by sandbags without any problems or can be sealed additionally.


Mobile safety

No additional lifting equipment such as lifting heads or rope loops are required for transport and for moving. This is a big advantage when it comes to flood protection where it is mostly urgent. The certified SwissLoop high-performance anchors embedded in concrete are designed for lifting equipment, belt and chain slings that are usually used. Weight and static are dimensioned for latest applications in construction, thus allowing for fast yet safe use.


No elaborate and expensive maintenance works

Mobile protection measures by means of SwissBlock are significantly faster, more effective and more cost-efficient than comparable flood protection systems such as hose dam systems or sandbags as far as acquisition, installation, dismantling but also maintenance are concerned. The modular concrete blocks are safe from vandalism and maintenance-free in operation. After the temporary use, the SwissBlock pre-cast modules can be easily dismantled and can be stored outside or they can be used elsewhere.


Unique manufacturer network

The local network of manufacturers allows for mobilizing the SwissBlock system on very short notice and provides for flexible flood protection. Apart from buying, the pre-cast modules are also available on a rental basis as an option.

Since 2021, the Swiss Block AG has a German subsidiary company and pushes the expansion by the evaluation of new manufacturing and sales partners consequently. The aim is a successful implementation of the philosophy of short distances and local resources in practice in Germany and other countries too. The team is looking forward to an interesting exchange with interested manufacturers who would like to learn more about the SwissBlock products and a long-term partnership.


Swiss Block AG

Chräbelstr. 9

6410 Goldau/Switzerland


Bernhard Jäger Betonwerk

GmbH & Co. KG

Kanalstrasse 30

88512 Mengen/Germany


Glatthaar Starwalls

GmbH & Co. KG

Joachim-Glatthaar-Platz 1

78713 Schramberg-Waldmössingen/Germany


Otto Knecht

GmbH & Co. KG

Ziegeleistrasse 10

72555 Metzingen/Germany


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