High-profile guests at B.T. innovation in Magdeburg

What are the topics small- and medium-sized businesses in Germany are concerned with? What challenges must SMEs overcome? What current problems need to be solved? On the occasion of a visit at B.T. innovation GmbH on May 26, 2021 in Magdeburg, Minister-President of Saxony-Anhalt Dr. Reiner Haseloff and Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier intensely exchanged views about these topics together with the General Managers Felix von Limburg and Stefan Wittek.

The BT innovation company stands for forward-looking product developments in the construction and precast concrete industries. The patented solutions allow for considerable improvements in efficiency in all working processes and are in demand all over the world. The product range comprises the fields of sealing, magnets and formwork systems, connecting systems as well as consulting services. The portfolio is complemented by high-quality machinery and production plants for prestressed concrete elements of the subsidiary company MAX-truder GmbH.

During their visit, the Minister-President and the Federal Minister of Economics gathered information on the product range and the current research projects of the medium-sized company. Product innovations, research & development, sustainability, digitalization and export were the key topics of the discussions.


Production processes of precast concrete elements visited

Dr. Reiner Haseloff and Peter Altmaier, among other things, visited the production hall of BT innovation and got an idea of the production process of precast concrete elements, when as part of the „modular ground slab“ research project a concrete element was removed from the butterfly battery mold – a patented system solution, combining the advantages of conventional production methods. During the visit, they also saw the „Low-Cost House“ which is the result of many years of research and development conducted by BT innovation‘s team of engineers. The concept developed by B.T. innovation enables creating living space in a reliable, stable and cost-effective way and within a very short time.

The potential for the creation of local jobs and the strengthening of the existing value-added chains in the respective country of destination owing to the easy- to-learn handling of the production plant are particularly relevant aspects in this regard.

B.T. innovation GmbH
Sudenburger Wuhne 60
39116 Magdeburg/Germany
+49 391 7352-0

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