New platform promotes the economic interests of twelve industry organizations
Twelve organizations of the German precast concrete industry and the supplying raw materials industry have coordinated their economic interests under the umbrella name „Deutsche Betonbauteile“ (German Concrete Components) since the turn of the year 2018/2019. With this umbrella name, the organizations and consequently the precast concrete industry intend to get an appropriate hearing in the political debates concerning construction policy and economic policy in Germany and Europe.
In the past, representatives of the precast concrete industry were no longer invited to or heard on many events setting the course in federal policies, as in residential construction or infrastructure, because, until recently, they had no joint „federal voice“ or federal representation; therefore, it was possible for other construction materials and products to gain market shares at the expense of the precast concrete industry – it is stated in a circular letter.
Connection to BDI and BIBM
The aim of coordinating the industry organizations‘ interests is to remedy these shortcomings to a large extent in the future. The organizations intend to use coordination meetings held at regular intervals to discuss current issues, agree on the subjects and develop „joint opinions as well as industry positions“, the circular letter continues.
The cooperation with the German Building Materials Association (BBS) is to maintain the connection to the Federation of German Industries (BDI) for a greater representation of the interests of the precast concrete industry towards politics and the general public. The interest group continues to cooperate with the European Federation for the Precast Concrete Industry (BIBM) at a European level.
At present the umbrella name unites: German Lightweight Concrete Association (Bundesverband Leichtbeton), German Federal Association of Precast Prestressed Concrete Floor Slabs (Bundesverband Spannbeton-Fertigdecken), Baden-Württemberg Concrete and Precast Plant Association (FBF Baden-Württemberg), Saxony/Thuringia Association of Concrete and Precast Plants (FBF Sachsen/Thüringen), Hesse Concrete (Hessenbeton), Concrete and Precast Industry Association North (Verband Beton- und Fertigteilindustrie Nord), Bavarian Mineral Building Materials Association (Bayerischer Industrieverband Baustoffe, Steine und Erden), Concrete Component Group, Entrepreneurs‘ Association of Mineral Building Materials (Fachgruppe Betonbauteile, Unternehmerverband Mineralische Baustoffe), Concrete Component Group, Association of the Construction and Raw Materials Industry, (Fachgruppe Betonbauteile, Verband der Bau- und Roh-stoffindustrie), NRW Concrete Component Group (Fachgruppe Betonbauteile NRW), Trade Association of Concrete Components with Girders (BmG), Association for the Advancement of Vocational Training for Concrete and Precast Producers (BBF) as well as Quality Assurance Association and Association for the Concrete and Pumice Industry in the State of Rhineland-Palatinate (Güteschutz und Landesverband Beton- und Bimsindustrie Rheinland-Pfalz).