This year’s 63rd BetonTage edition will again be showcasing a wealth of information and many innovations from the concrete and precast world. Nowadays, virtually everyone seems to be talking about...
Concrete is the most frequently used building material in building construction and transport infrastructure construction. In 2018, prefabricated concrete components generated revenues of 6 billion...
On behalf of BIBM, the Federation of the European Precast Concrete Industry, I welcome all of you to the 63rd BetonTage congress. The role of a European federation such as BIBM is to forecast the...
It is a great pleasure for the fib to participate in this very prestigious conference, the BetonTage 2019. The theme of the conference – Innovation in Concrete – is particularly important in these...
The „slab“ – in general, unfortunately encumbered with a negative image, which is predominantly due to sociological circumstances and urban development aspects. A uniform, dull and gray concrete...
The construction industry is currently subject to several trends. Apart from digitization and testing of new contract models based on partnership, serial and modular building are of particular...
In Germany, much too little is being constructed. According to calculations by the Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW), at least 310,000 dwelling units annually would have to be constructed...
On a global scale, concrete and cement production accounts for more than 6 % of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Substitution of the cement clinker (K) contained in the cement or concrete by appropriate...
The use of alkali activated binder systems becomes increasingly important in concrete technology. Besides the ecological aspects, especially the reduction of the CO2 emissions when producing the...
C-S-H or calcium silicate hydrate presents the main hydration product of ordinary Portland cement (OPC). C-S-H is generated from the hydration of the dicalcium silicate (C2S) and tricalcium silicate...
The Interreg NWE SeRaMCo (Secondary Raw Materials for Concrete Precast Products) EU research project aims to increase practical use of recycled constituents in precast construction, in keeping with...
Resource efficiency and climate protection will continue to challenge the method of concrete construction. However, there is no silver bullet in sight. New approaches such as the carbon dioxide...
At present, DIN EN 197-1 does not define recycled fine aggregates (crushed sands) as main constituent of cement. Cements with ground crushed sand as main constituent are subject to an approval. Apart...
In the past, conventional materials normally used for filling the joints between block pavers and slabs were repeatedly found to cause discolorations of concrete paving products. Similar soiling can...
In July 2018, the Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau e. V. (Research Society for Landscape Development and Landscape Construction; FLL) published a fundamentally revised...
A number of rulesets for road construction are currently being revised or pending publication. The revised edition of ZTV Pflaster-StB (Zusätzliche Technische Vertragsbedingungen zur Herstellung von...
Suppliers for machinery construction and plant engineering for the concrete industry essentially are facing the same challenges as other companies in this sector. Here, the following criteria industry...
In terms of geology there exists in Germany no shortage of sand, gravel and natural stone deposits. Quartz and building sands are available in Germany in sufficient quantities to cover domestic...
Customer requirements are constantly increasing, and concrete precast manufacturers need to meet these demands by developing new products. Concrete products are becoming ever more refined, having...
Ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) is characterized by an extremely dense structure and thus very high strengths as well as excellent durability properties. This enables slender...
Rapid advances in technological innovations in the field of logistics and materials handling technology lead to new challenges as regards the logistics buildings in which such technologies will be...
The first modular bridge in the German state of North-Rhine/-Westphalia (NRW) was erected in 2016 as the result of an idea competition of the NRW Ministry of Transport and the Chamber of Construction...
Conception and design of the railway bridge (Tegernsee-Bahn) in Dürnbach were reported in part 1 of the paper. Part 2 provides additional information on the production of the bridge at the precast...
In precasting, the individual components are manufactured prior to their installation away from the site and are subsequently assembled on location for the actual loadbearing structure. The...
The topics related to sustainable building are highly diverse. Particularly within the context of the ecological quality of a structure, the various levels of perspectives concerning building...
In a research project (SWD- commissioned by the Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development),...
Cement-aggregate mixtures have been sprayed for well over 100 years [1]. Developments in process and concrete engineering made since that time enable shotcretes to be processed re-liably today in both...
Sound insulation is an essential requirement on buildings imposed by building rules and regulations; therefore, the highest building authorities of the German Federal States publish technical...
The conditions of use of fastening systems are generally regulated in approvals – so-called European Technical Assessments (ETA). In addition to the description of the construction product, these...
Implementation of a zero-waste economy requires feeding back of secondary raw materials into subsequent production runs, which is one of the major challenges all raw material processing industries are...
Judgment C-100/13 delivered by the European Court of Justice on October 16, 2014 required the German building code legislation to be completely redesigned in order to conform to the EU Construction...
The CE marking does not provide any indication as to if and how a construction product may be used.Since ECJ judgment C-100/13 at the latest, national supplementary requirements that go be-yond the...
Seven partners from research, industry and standardization have joined forces to accelerate the transfer of innovative materials from the laboratory to construction practice. The WiTraBau project...
Compared to other methods, additive manufacturing processes are associated with a large number of benefits that become particularly apparent when producing free-form elements. 3D powder printing...
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a technology that opens up the potential to completely rethink the process of producing concrete components. In contrast, the conventional method involves the pouring of...
There is a rapidly growing interest in digital construction with concrete. The same holds true for the associated expectations in respect to this promising technology [1, 2]. However, a number of...
With the innovative composite material carbon-reinforced concrete, thin-walled, high-performance components can be realized. Applicable design concepts and engineering rules are necessary to...
Carbon-reinforced concrete is a composite in which high-performance concrete is combined with carbon fibers. This material enables innovative, environmentally friendly and easy-to-apply construction...
In reinforced-concrete construction, semi-precast elements particularly ensure high cost efficiency, because they enable a faster construction progress while maintaining strict quality requirements....
Lattice girders in floor plates for floor systems in the erection state of prefabricated reinforced-concrete slabs ensure their flexural strength and shear resistance as well as their bending...
The content of the lecture is the position paper of the German Association for Concrete Components with Lattice Girders (BmG), the Bavaria Double Wall Quality Association and the Syspro Group...
For prestressed precast concrete elements used in structures with predominantly cyclic loading, for example craneway girders in industrial structures or precast girders in bridge constructions, design...
According to DIN EN 1992-2/NA, the adhesion component of theshear resistance in a concrete-concreteinterface has not to be applied under fatigue or dynamic loading (c = 0). In structures subject to...
At the beginning of 2018, the Innovation Center of Merck was completed at the company’s headquarters in Darmstadt. The building serves both as an entrance building to the campus and as an innovative...
Master craftsman training in Ulm – The opportunity for further training to become a master craftsman as well as the procedure and the objective of the master craftsman course is not or only...
The last meeting of standard committee NA 005-07-82 AA “Cast stones” took place on 11th October 2018 at ZDB (Central Association of the German Construction Trade) in Berlin. Chairman of the committee...
DUCON (DUctile CONcrete) combines an ultra-high strength concrete with a three-dimensional micro reinforcement to become an innovative, ductile and load-bearing high-performance concrete. Therefore,...
Successful companies are absolutely dependent on qualified and motivated employees. In times of skilled labor shortage and frequent headhunting to competing companies, these are not just inexpressive...
We are already familiar with this subject: there, the Facebook profile is renewed and someone is chatting with friends, instead of doing the job for which they are paid. In this regard, the labor-law...
Owing the demographic change as well as the trend towards academization that has been observed for years, there exists in some professions and regions a shortage of personnel on the German job market....
The new construction contract law has been valid since January 01, 2018. Introducing the new provisions, the legislator tried to consider the set of problems occurring as a result of the complexity...
Crack widths have a significant influence on the durability of reinforced concrete members. Therefore, the limitation of crack widths is an indispensable aspect of the design work, and is often...
The required lap lengths for reinforcing steel dimensioned according to DIN EN 1992-2/NA, the currently applicable standard for engineering structures pertaining to the traffic infrastructure in...
For the design and realization of parking structures, the German Society for Concrete and Construction Technology (Deutscher Beton- und Bautechnik-Verein) had issued the Code of Practice on...
The updated December 2017 edition of the Guideline on Water-Impermeable Structures Made of Concrete (Wasserundurchlässige Bauwerke aus Beton) published by the DAfStb (Deutscher Ausschuss für...
Separating the requirements for concrete structures into at least three different sets of applicable guidelines and standards for structural design, concrete production and construction has resulted...
With introduction of Eurocode 2 in Germany, the punching shear design provisions for flat slabs were revised. In consequence of limited anchorage conditions of punching shear reinforcement elements in...
The layout of conventional precast concrete sandwich panels comprises an at least 7 cm thick reinforced concrete facing, an insulation layer, and a reinforced concrete bearing layer. Anchors made of...
This new type of connection adds another option to the range of possible connections in precast reinforced concrete construction. Columns can be produced without interrupting the standard formwork due...
Concrete as a construction material has an especially high resistance to compression. Concrete shells with a geometry optimized in a way such that primarily compressive forces arise are accordingly...
Resource efficiency in construction and in the operation of buildings is becoming increasingly significant. The objective of the MultiLC research project sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for...
Current investigations show that a large number of existing bridges in Germany need to be rehabilitated or reconstructed over the next few years in order to maintain the present level of functionality...
Reinforced-concrete beams are widely used in building construction and civil engineering. They often have full rectangular cross-sections which is advantageous for both the simple production on site...
As part of the C ³ research project on carbon-reinforced concrete, an unbounded prestressing system has been developed, in particular, taking the requirements of building construction into account...
The dimensions of typical precast beams can be reduced significantly thanks to the use of high-performance and ultra-high-performance concrete. As a result, the concrete cover of beams having a more...
When revising their sewage master plans, many municipalities find that the existing sewer network is unable to cope with the increasing number of heavy rainfall events. The strategies used include...
In an urban environment – and usually in lower lying areas – mechanical pipe driving in contrast to the open-trench method is a pipe-laying method for sewers that reduces the restrictions for the...
The condition assessment and quantification (measurement) of inspection findings in drainage and sewer systems is of critical importance. If and when required, follow-up processes are initiated on the...
Concrete structures are subjected to a wide variety of exposures. In pertinent codes and standards, these exposures are allocated to typical use scenarios. In the case of concrete corrosion triggered...
In addition to monitoring the condition and function of municipal sewer systems at regular intervals, their renovation is playing an ever more important role and is increasingly becoming a technical,...
Shortage of staff, migrant workers, and cost and deadline pressure are forcing civil engineering companies to rationalize and mechanize their work processes. The product portfolio of equipment used...
CCTV inspections of pipelines are carried out to detect defects in pipes, including cracks, in order to ensure compliance of sewers with relevant specifications. Any cracks larger than so-called (up...
On 24 September 2018, the Emschergenossenschaft (Emscher Cooperative) commissioned the first section of the Emscher wastewater sewer. With an overall length of 51 km, the Emscher wastewater sewer runs...
The subject of digitization represents a highly influential development that cannot be stopped and has become part of the lives of most people. Where does digitization stand in decentralized...
In rural areas, small wastewater treatment plants offer an alternative to central wastewater treatment and are available for connections sizes of up to population equivalents (PE) of 50. Up to now,...
In view of the ECJ judgment in case C-100/13 (infringement of the Construction Products Directive) all parties involved are particularly concerned about the question:How can decentralized wastewater...
The pilot plant of the AWAREGIO project has been in operation at the Moers-Gerdt waste-water treatment plant for about one year. The objective of the project is to enable the reuse of water and...
In the spring of 2013, manufacturers of small concrete wastewater treatment plants from all parts of Germany have formed a joint working group. Since that time, in addition to flyers, the working...
Public wastewater disposal has so far been equated with centralized disposal schemes. Publicly operated decentralized systems are the exception rather than the rule. Decentralized wastewater treatment...
To ensure the free movement of goods within the European Economic Area (EEA), manufacturers must declare the conformity of their product with the EU directives and regulations applicable to the...
Water is too precious to waste. Germany learned this in summer 2018.Even in autumn and winter the consequences of the summer drought can be felt and it is increasingly taken into consideration to...
CertPoint is an internet-based online application for documents (document management system, DMS) which can be used to archive all kinds of certificates relating to construction products, such as...
At the beginning of 2019, BT innovation has launched its new corporate design, including a new company logo and color range, a redesigned website, and all its marketing collateral. BFT editorial staff...
In a figurative sense, Strakon already built bridges in its earlier versions – i.e., between 2D, 3D and BIM. Thanks to the smooth transitions from object-oriented design to 3D construction and the BIM...
Following the recent foundation of subsidiary companies in Switzerland and Slovakia, Remmers Gruppe AG is strengthening the presence in Austria now: Effective from November 01, 2018, the European...
Building in high quality, sustainable and particularly fast – this demand can be perfectly realized by the prefabricated elements made of Liapor lightweight concrete. Most recent example: a new...
The safe manufacture of flat slabs made of precast slabs with lattice girders and in-situ concrete topping requires a tested and cost-effective design concept for the verification of the punching...
OTTO QUAST is specialized in turnkey construction. For this purpose, the facility at the headquarters in Freudenberg supplies precast concrete elements of high quality. But the company based in the...
TriCircle Pavers is a family company and has been supplying paving products to Florida based customers for more than 35 years from facilities in Fort Myers and Bartow, Florida. With a long-term...
In an out-of-the-ordinary endeavor, a well-known brewery installed a noise barrier around its headquarters to prevent noise from being emitted into its surroundings, rather than the other way around....
In addition to the offered broad range of welding lines for the production of standard and specialized construction mesh, engineering, precast or architectural mesh, Eurobend GmbH offers a full range...
Kleihues is launching a new product division with exposed concrete elements for infrastructure and commercial construction. The high-quality tilting tables required for production are supplied by...
CRH Structural Concrete Belgium decided to commission for its eleven locations integrated safety solutions from a single supplier: the Schmersal Group.
BIG 5 Dubai has been providing reliable and deep insights into the construction market and what’s happening in the Middle East for nearly forty years. With almost 60, 000 visitors and 2, 500...
The General Meeting of the German Concrete Association for Roads, Landscaping and Garden Construction (SLG) on 15 November 2018 in Kelsterbach, Germany, began with a report on higher-ranking...
On March 07 and 08, 2019, it is time again for the German Construction Technology Day in Stuttgart. The German Society for Concrete and Construction Technology (DBV – Deutscher Beton und...
Twelve organizations of the German precast concrete industry and the supplying raw materials industry have coordinated their economic interests under the umbrella name „Deutsche Betonbauteile“ (German...
(10) DE 10 2017 113 205 Al(22) 15.06.2017(43) 20.12.2018(57) Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf die Gebiete der Chemie und des Bauwesens und betrifft oberflächenmodifizierte Glasfasern zur...
(10) DE 10 2017 125 152 Al(22) 26.10.2017(43) 27.12.2018(57) Die Erfin-dung betrifft ein Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von Spannbetonfertigteilen, welche eingegossene oder...
(10) DE 10 2017 210 761 Al(22) 27.06.2017(43) 27.12.2018(57) Die Erfindung betrifft ein Transportankersystem zum Transportieren eines Objekts 1, insbesondere Betonfertigteil, umfassend ein...
(10) DE 11 2016 005 118 T5(43) 13.12.2018(57) Die Erfindung betrifft das Bauwesen, insbesondere, die Fertigung der Träger für industrielle und Zivilbauten sowie der Bauelemente, darunter...
(10) DE 20 2018 105 725 U1(22) 05.10.2018(45) 20.12.2018(57) Verbundplatte (1) zur Verlegung als Bodenbelag oder Pflaster in ungebundener Bauweise, insbesondere im Freien, wobei die Verbundplatte (1)...
(10) DE 20 2018 105 793 U1(22) 10.10.2018(45) 13.12.2018(57) Halbzeug (9) zur Herstellung eines Beton-Doppelwandelements (1),wobei das Halbzeug (9) eine ausgehärtete, flächige Betonschale (2a) sowie...
(10) DE 20 2018 106 167 U1(22) 29.10.2018(45) 20.12.2018(57) Formstein (10, 10a, 10b) für den Garten-, Landschafts- und Straßenbau, insbesondere Pflanzstein (10, 10a, 10b) oder Pflanzkübelstein, mit...
(11) EP 3 409 854 A1(22) 04.06.2018(43) 05.12.2018 (57) A linkage assembly enables an interior building element, such as a concrete slab or wooden joist, to be connected to and aligned with an...
(11) EP 3 412 848 A2(22) 04.06.2018(43) 12.12.2018 Patentblatt 2018/50(57) Die Erfindung betrifft eine Montagegrube (1), insbesondere Fertigteil-Montagegrube, umfassend einen in eine Bodenausnehmung...
(10) US 2018/0347179 Al (22) 31.05.2018(43) 06.12.2018(57) An apparatus, system, and method is provided to connect precast concrete panels to a structural member. The connector can have a receiving...
(10) US 2018/0347191 Al (22) 01.06.2017(43) 06.12.2018(57) The present invention relates to a composite floor, typically a wood/concrete composite floor. The composite floor comprises a support...
(10) WO 2018/224707 Al(22) 06.06.2018(43) 13.12.2018(57) The invention provides a pavement (11) formed by an assembly of concrete slabs (13) of thickness H, each slab (13) comprising a plurality of...