Once again outstanding theses elected
The Eberhard Schöck Foundation and Schöck Bauteile GmbH presented the Schöck Building Innovation Prize in the festive setting of the Schöck Industry Forum held in Ulm. Every year, three university graduates are awarded for outstanding final projects and theses on the occasion of the Industry Forum of Schöck. The award winners in 2018 are graduates of the German universities in Dresden, Karlsruhe and Braunschweig.
A total of about 100 decision-makers of the precast concrete industry participated in the event. For a start, Alfons Hörmann as new board member for sales and marketing and CEO expressed his thanks and welcomed the customers from all over Germany. Besides he informed about the current strategic course set in the company. Afterward he delivered exciting insight into outstanding achievements and team success in sports, and most recently of the Olympic Games in PyeongChang.
18th Building Innovation Prize awarded
Dr. Christian Kaiser of the market research company Heinze Martkforschung offered a glance into the future of the activities of German‘s construction industry with his analysis and forecast of various construction segments. As a highlight, the journalist Dunja Hayali informed about the challenges of media coverage in times of fake news, digitization, pressure of time and pressure of meeting quotas.
Prior to this, the Schöck Building Innovation Prize 2018 was presented, being endowed with a prize money of 2,500 euros each, that is for the 18th time meanwhile. Among the award winners is also a graduate of TU Dresden, which is the only German university adhering to the term „Diplom Ingenieur“. The other graduates are of the civil engineering universities of Karlsruhe and Braunschweig. This year‘s award winners are Cäcilia Karge, Dipl.-Ing., (Technische Universität Dresden) with the numerical investigation of bonded anchor rails under shear and biaxial load, Patrick Eble, M.Sc., (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) with the application of plastic damage models on welded connections and Henrik Matz, M. Sc., (Braunschweig University of Technology) with the determination of centric post-cracking tensile strength of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced concrete.
High level of engineering precision
It is not the first time that theses of these universities are honored by the Schöck Building Innovation Prize. All these scientific investigations significantly contribute to key research subjects in the field of structural civil engineering. They are characterized by a high level of engineering precision.