Return to normality

One or the other of you, dear readers, may possibly no longer want to hear or read this anymore – but the COVID-19 pandemic with all its known effects on professional and personal life is unfortunately not yet entirely over. Nevertheless, there is reason for hope: vaccination rates have by now increased in many countries – not only in Germany – to a respectful to high level and the “normality” that we have so long and painfully missed – e.g., in the form of face-to-face-events – is returning slowly to our everyday lives. I, together with our Senior Sales Manager Jens Maurus, visited on a tour of the three Middle German States Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia several precasters, plant engineering companies and suppliers already at the beginning of September and the first large-scale live events are likewise on the agenda after the long enforced break.

The month of November especially has a great deal to offer: You should particularly make a note of the BIBM Congress from 14 to 16 November in Copenhagen – your BFT will be present there, as media partner. The same as at the 66th Betontage from 22 to 24 February 2022, which will take place for the first time at the Congress Centrum Ulm (Maritim Hotel). Jointly with FBF Betondienst in the form of the new Building Congress Forum, BCF, Bauverlag will by the way also act as co-organizer of the BIBM Congress, whose program you will find beginning on p. 54.  

And not to forget the BFT Wetcast Forum at the Steinbeis-Schule on 25 November, also in Ulm (preview see p. 4), in a more personal setting that now, following the successful kick-off in 2018, will be continued. It is almost needless to say that I very much look forward to being able to greet you there in person.


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