New aids for the lightweight concrete industry

Software tools for designers –
computer-based acoustic verifications

The finalized version of the new DIN 4109 standard was published in July 2016. It comprises four parts, of which the so-called product catalog contains separate information for various construction methods. Whereas the requirements and determining parameters have remained almost identical compared to the previous version, the calculation method (particularly in respect of verifying airborne sound insulation) was aligned with the simplified method specified in the harmonized European standard. Furthermore, the safety concept was extended. In future, the calculation method specified in DIN 4109...

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Issue 02/2015 Calculation method, safety concept, design aids

The new DIN 4109: Sound insulation in buildings

The new DIN 4109, issued in November 2013, is available in draft form. The standard is broken down into several parts, i.e.: Part 1: Requirements for sound insulation Part 2: Verification of...

Issue 10/2016 DW Systembau

Consequences of the new DIN 4109 “Sound insulation in buildings”

The new ­German standard DIN 4109 “Sound insulation in buildings” is supposed to replace the old version of DIN 4109 from 1989 in the last quarter of this year. The revision of the standard had...

Issue 02/2016 – Overview and design possibilities for lightweight concrete

Revised version of DIN 4109: Sound insulation in buildings

Revised version of DIN 4109: Sound insulation in buildings A draft of the new version of DIN 4109 has been available since 2013: E DIN 4109-1 Sound insulation in buildings – Requirements made on...

Issue 02/2019 Introduction of DIN 4109 by building authorities of German Federal States

New recommendations regarding increased sound insulation according to DIN 4109-5

Sound insulation is an essential requirement on buildings imposed by building rules and regulations; therefore, the highest building authorities of the German Federal States publish technical...

Issue 07/2017 KLB Klimaleichtblock

Advantages of lightweight concrete for sound insulation demonstrated

Standards and national technical approvals provide a solid foundation for everyday work. This also applies to sound insulation, which is one of the most important health and safety objectives in...
