40 High-performance concretes for filigree façades and custom elements Self-compacting special concretes
Hochleistungsbetone für filigrane Fassaden und Sonderanfertigungen Selbstverdichtende...
44 Encompassing all facets of precast construction - The Fliegl Agrartechnik project in Mühldorf
Fertigteilbau in all seinen Facetten Bauvorhaben Fliegl Agrartechnik in Mühldorf (Oberbayern)...
Tour Total Berlin a perfect architectural concrete example
Tour Total Berlin - Architekturbeton in Perfektion
Dipl.-Ing. Hubertus Dreßler
TaunusTurm Frankfurt precast...
A large number of new bridges need to be built in conjunction with maintaining and expanding the transport infrastructure in Germany. Precast construction can make a major contribution to achieving...