Mit CBS 105 SL Elba für die Zukunft flexibel aufgestellt

In Zell am Harmersbach, the new Ammann CBS 105 SL Elba concrete mixing plant is ready and waiting on the premises of Uhl Kies- und Baustoff GmbH. With the well thought plant concept, the operators can react flexibly to all customer requirements now and far into the future.

Since 1976, the Elba mixing plant EMC 50 has supplied concrete to the customers of Uhl Kies- und Baustoff GmbH in Zell am Harmersbach - reliably and in consistently good quality. A truly long time. „The old Elba mixing plant has served us faithfully,“ says Martin Weisser, authorised representative of Uhl Kies- und Baustoff GmbH. „Nevertheless, for future types of concrete, we need additional concrete raw materials, which we can store and mix with the new plant.“


Elba concrete mixing plant choosed again

The company Karl Uhl GmbH & Co. KG, based in Hausach, was founded in 1959. The family-owned company specializes in customized building materials and is now run by the third generation. „We are constantly expanding our product range of gravel; concrete and crushed stone“ describes Weisser the company‘s philosophy. The company is now present with its products at 18 locations in the region.

It is part of Uhl Kies- und Baustoff GmbH‘s self-image to continuously review and modernize production methods, infrastructure of the locations and the vehicle fleet to be able to respond to the respective customer needs as well as current and future market requirements in a resource-saving and sustainable manner.

„There was no question for us that we would choose an Elba concrete mixing plant again; we can look back on 50 years of good experiences with Ammann Elba,” says Weisser. The company management had a guideline for the necessary modifications, but which plant it would be still had to be decided. The new plant must integrate into the structural conditions, the settling basin and the REC plant (recycling) were to be retained. In addition, the responsible wanted more storage capacity for cement and more flexibility and storage capacity for aggregates.

„After a detailed needs-analysis and intensive consultation with Ammann Elba employees, we decided on a CBS 105 SL Elba with an Ammann Elba single-shaft compulsory mixer CEM 2000 S,“ says Weisser.

„With this choice of plant, we can continue to work with the Ammann Elba single-shaft compulsory mixer. This was decisive for us, as we have already had a lot of positive experience with this mixer in other plants as well.”


Flexible concrete production

Now it’s here, the new CBS 105 SL Elba, with an hourly output of 105 m3. The linear bin CEL 260/8 allows eight-part aggregate storage in 8 chambers, each with a volume of 26 m³ or 52 m3.

Martin Weisser is satisfied: „The linear plant, as we have now realised it, opens up more flexible options for aggregates in terms of storage and number of types. The idea with the separate material addition on the extended weighing belt allows us to react to all future materials for the concrete production.


Special equipment for more service, protection and safety

The responsible at Uhl Kies- und Baustoffe had a few special functions installed in the concrete mixing plant. The plant is cladded for winter operation, and all-around platforms and an access staircase enable easier maintenance. A camera has been installed in the mixer for visual monitoring of the mixing process. The built-in dedusting filter protects against dust pollution in the mixing room. In addition, the wear protection EWP is installed on the skip and mixer. This protects parts and components and ensure the plant to have a longer lifetime.

„The planning and installation of our new Ammann Elba concrete mixing plant went smoothly. Simple, cost-effective transport thanks to the pre-installed modules ensured that the plant could be assembled quickly. The technicians quickly implemented short-term change requests from us,” reports Weisser. “We made the right decision with the CBS 105 SL Elba and the linear bin that was adapted for us. This means we are well equipped again for a long time here in Zell am Harmersbach.


Ammann Elba Beton GmbH

Pforzheimer Str. 128b

76275 Ettlingen/Germany

+49 7243 720


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