Day 2: Wednesday, 15th May 2024

Panel 6: Lightwight concrete

53 Sustainability – Greenhouse gas emissions from the production of lightweight concrete

Nachhaltigkeit – Treibhausgasemission durch die Produktion von Leichtbeton

Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Pohl

54 Resource-saving construction with lightweight & infra-lightweight concrete – CO₂ absorption by lightweight concretes

Ressourcenschonendes Bauen mit Leicht- & Infraleichtbeton – CO₂-Absorption durch Leichtbetone

Timo Haller, M.Sc., Johannes Berger, M.Sc., Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Chem. Mathias Köberl, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl-Christian Thienel

56 Replacement of natural lightweight concrete aggregates with recycled material

Ersatz der natürlichen Leichtbetonzuschläge durch Recyclingmaterial

Dr.-Ing. Barbara Leydolph

58 Efficient monolithic masonry made of lightweight concrete blocks

Effizientes monolithisches Mauerwerk aus Leichtbetonsteinen

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Detleff Schermer

59 Fire protection with lightweight concrete

Brandschutz mit Leichtbeton

Fabian Lange, M. Eng.


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