Recently, on a rainy winter weekend, while going through my record collection, I came across “The Köln Concert” by Keith Jarret from 1975. It felt like half an eternity since I had last listened to...
it is with honor that I write this short note as President of the Inter-national Federation for Structural Concrete (fib) at this gathering of experts at BetonTage on concrete solutions, taking place...
the BetonTage greet you for the first time in May and though currenteconomic forecasts evoke little spring feelings, we with the largest European specialist congress in this sector of industry and a...
Modular construction relies on construction kits with only a small number of component types. This means that entire structures can be built from a large number of identical or similar prefabricated...
Ribbed floors provide a promising approach for significant material savings compared to conventional reinforced-concrete flat slabs. This article discusses a flow manufacturing process that uses...
Fiber orientation has a significant effect on the load-bearing capacity of steel-fiber-reinforced concrete (SFRC) components. To optimize this orientation, an extrusion-based concreting method...
Timber-concrete composite floors can lower greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the concrete volume. In the composite section, the reinforced concrete slab primarily transfers normal compressive...
To meet global sustainability goals and combat climate change, we must take a critical look at the materials that shape our modern lives, including the plastic packaging of our food, the rare earths...
The world is currently undergoing a major transformation. The Anthropocene characterized by uncontrolled growth and exploitation of natural resources is giving way to a new era in which social...
To ensure its sustainable future, the concrete construction industry must achieve net carbon neutrality by 2050, applying specific scenarios as early as today. Emissions can be reduced significantly...
The new Montblanc House situated in Hamburg-Lurup in the immediate vicinity of the company’s headquarters offers a blend of brand experience, place to meet, exhibition space, boutique, and public...
In recent years, envelopes of new builds and redevelopments have increasingly been designed as curtain walls with an exposed concrete surface. This method requires thin-walled, lightweight, free-form,...
Land scarcity, increased urban land cover, heavy rainfall events, heat islands, tropical nights, loss of inner-city natural spaces and of the associated biodiversity of flora and fauna: Our cities are...
Sustainable buildings must meet environmental, economic and socio-cultural requirements while conforming to a high quality standard in engineering terms and being aligned with the processes of the...
11 Sustainability at the precast plant – New mindset, new plant, new products Nachhaltigkeit im Fertigteilwerk – Neues Mindset, neues Werk, neue Produkte Dr. Jan Wenker, Dipl.-Ing. (BA) Thomas Trieb...
The “Greensite” office complex is a project that adopts a comprehensive approach to sustainability by employing a variety of sustainable building strategies. Its structure is optimized for carbon...
An efficient and reliable transport infra-structure is essential for Germany as a business location, especially in times of increasing traffic volumes. A significantproportion of the 40- to...
The new DIN 1045 series of standards was published in August 2023. The new DIN 1045-1000 is the overarching framework that defines the relationships between Parts 1 to 4 and 1000. In addition, the...
Brüninghoff is constantly asking itself how the production of precast concrete parts can be made more climate- and resource-friendly.Firstly, the new precast plant in Heiden is sustainable by design....
17 Urban builders can support human health by fostering microbes from nature Unterstützung der menschlichen Gesundheit durch Förderung natürlicher Mikroorganismen im urbanen Umfeld Marco van Es 18...
The green wall was developed with Birkenmeier Stein + Design as greened precastreinforced-concrete element for façades, balconies and freestanding privacy walls as well as for noise barriers. These...
In 2022, the German Concrete Association for Road, Landscape and Garden Construction (Betonverband SLG e. V.) − in close collaboration with the industrial sector – carried out the project “Ways for...
In Germany, around 5.7 million tons of municipal incinerator bottom ash (HMVA) are discharged annually. For reasons of sustainability, it is the goal of the ASHCON project, funded by the German...
The steel industry has long been making a significant contribution to climate and resource protection with its by-products. In Germany alone, 12 mio. tons of slag-based by-products are produced every...
All construction materials are subject to natural aging processes associated with weather and the effects of use. These processes, in conjunction with environmental pollution and soiling in the course...
The construction industry, and in particular the sector of precast concrete producers, is strongly characterized by family businesses. These are considered the backbone of the German economy and are...
Pooling private assets and/or business assets in a family company is an efficient and flexible instrument for preserving the family assets for the family on a permanent basis. Judiciousdrafting of the...
25 Organizing company succession appropriately – A legal perspective Unternehmensnachfolge erfolgreich gestalten – eine rechtliche Betrachtung Prof. Dr. Christian Bochmann, LL.M. 26 Between the...
Assuming responsibility in a family business is complex not only in terms of legal and fiscal matters but must, above all, fit in with the company’s entrepreneurial mission: competing successfully in...
It is a necessary evil for companies to keep abreast of the ongoing evolution of legislation relevant to their operations and to align their business activities accordingly, which is an almost...
This presentation entitled “AI and Transformation” aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in today’s construction industry while demonstrating that...
This presentation provides information on designing in accordance with the DAfStb (German Committee for Structural Concrete) guideline on “Concrete components with non-metallic reinforcement” and an...
Adequate anchorage of steel into concrete is essential for the proper functioning of reinforced concrete structures. Rebar anchorage is typically provided by small ribs continuously distributed over...
To achieve the Agenda 2030 sustainability goals, plant operators in all industries must reduce energy costs, lower dust and carbon emissions, mitigate noise, and improve the safety of plants and for...
31 Design and construction with non-metallic reinforcement Planen und Bauen mit nichtmetallischer Bewehrung Sebastian Sauter, M. Eng. 32 PSB headed anchors – Versatile applications in addition to use...
Simple, fast, and economical: The MXC direct fastener from SFS meets these requirements. This new screw is used to fasten sandwich panels to concrete – without the usual steel rail embedded in...
Tight deadlines, cost pressure, and material and skilled labor shortages create tremendous challenges for the entire construction industry. Our industry is undergoing a fundamental transformation....
The precast concrete industry must brace itself for the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) to remain competitive. In the KI4Precast research project carried out by preML GmbH in collaboration with...
Dyckerhoff’s new Ecodur product family introduces a transparent and reliable range of low-carbon concretes to the market. It includes Ecodur 30, Ecodur 40, and Ecodur 50.Their classification...
45 Low-carbon, resource-efficient concrete for precast elements – Workability and early strength CO2- und ressourceneffiziente Betone für Betonfertigteile und Betonwaren – Verarbeitbarkeit und...
There are many ways to achieve the required significant reduction in carbon emissions and resource efficiency in concrete production and processing. Using clinker-efficient cements, such as CEM II/C-M...
Following the announcement of global climate targets to reduce carbon emissions, clinker-reduced concretes (also known as eco-concretes) are becoming increasingly important in the construction...
Strain-Hardening Cement-based Composites (SHCC) are characterized by their high strain capacity in tension. Due to their high tensile strength and an ultimate strain amounting to several percent, it...
According to the Global Climate Report, we will not be able to reach our climate targets without carbon sinks. It is thus foreseeable that prices of carbon certificates will increase significantly. A...
Producing cement for concrete components has a considerable environmental impact. This is predominantly due to the clinker burning process, which requires high thermal energy input and generates...
Calcined clays will soon present an attractive opportunity to produce concretes that are optimized in both environmental and engineering terms. This will provide the construction industry with a...
In the Eifel region, pumice has been a “constant” in the production of lightweight concrete blocks for many decades. More recently, however, there has been a significant decline in production...
Due to their economic importance, their resource intensity and, in particular, their current share of climate-relevant greenhouse gas emissions, the construction and real estate sectors, along with...
53 Sustainability – Greenhouse gas emissions from the production of lightweight concrete Nachhaltigkeit – Treibhausgasemission durch die Produktion von Leichtbeton Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Pohl 54...
The careful use of natural resources is a central concern of our time and is considered an essential element of decarbonizing cement and concrete. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to...
With lightweight concrete, a building material was introduced to the world of construction that not only stands out due to high compressive strengths and flexible application possibilities, but can...
As a monolithic wall-building material, masonry made of lightweight concrete blocks needs to fulfill various functions at the same time – in addition to the load-bearing capacity,these include in...
61 About the architecture of the Saxonian Aufbaubank (SAB) in Leipzig Zur Architektur des Hauptsitz der Sächsischen Aufbaubank (SAB) in Leipzig Architektin Heidrun Schuhmann 63 Binders for cast-stone...
In 2013, ACME won the competition for the headquarters of the Saxonian Aufbaubank (SAB) in Leipzig. The site was once an important part of the Leipzig pleasure and ornamental gardens designed by...
Construction material Ducon (DUctile CONcrete) combines ultra-high-strength concrete with spatial micro-reinforcement to produce an innovative, ductile and load-bearing high-performance concrete. For...
The variety of offers available, as well as the demands placed on concrete products prefabricated in plants, have enormously increased in past decades. At the same time, the claims and legal disputes...
Dyckerhoff Weiss has given building and design with concrete ever-new impulses for more than 90 years. With the sort differentiation “Strong types from Dyckerhoff Weiss”, it was already possible in...
BuildingsDuring a period of three years, after cornerstone laying(in 2019), three new buildingswere erected in the heart of Bonn, Germany, where the Bonn Center formerly stood. A 23-story high-rise...
Imko develops and produces moisture-measuring technologyfor a large variety of applicationsin construction, soil and bulk solids since 1984. Their most prominent solutions are the instrumentations of...
71 Innovation in the fastening sector. New development - Presentation of the Hulco anchor bolt Innovation im Befestigungsbereich: Neuentwicklung – Vorstellung der Hulco-Ankerbolzen Dipl.-Ing. (FH)...
Bolted connections are known for their ease and speed of assembly. They offer a reliable solution that requires significantly fewer onsite workers with no temporary bracing needed. To further...
This presentation provides information on designing in accordance with the DAfStb (German Committee for Structural Concrete) guideline on “Concrete components with non-metallic reinforcement” and an...
The requirements for formwork have never been as comprehensive as they are today. The construction industry is evolving day by day, and free forms and exposed concrete are now part of the standard...
Concrete is inextricably linked to modern civilization, and its versatility and durability will continue to make it an essential component of the ongoing development of our cities and infrastructure....
Overpressurization incidents regularly occur when filling storage silos from tanker trucks, but many of them go unnoticed. However, each such incident poses a significant hazard to people, the system,...
In the construction industry, sustainability efforts are increasingly prominent, necessitating companies to understand and communicate the environmental impacts of their products effectively....
85 Concrete as a CO2 sink Beton als CO2-Senke Anna Hundhausen, M.Sc. 86 Eco-balance of reinforced-concrete constructions: comparative study of prestressed- and semi-precast floor slabs Ökobilanz der...
Since the mid-1980s, the Department of Recycling in Construction at Brandenburg Technical University has risen to the challenge of dealing with sustainability in existing building stock, for the...
Precast prestressed-concrete floor slabs are characterized by long spans, low reinforcement ratios and lightweight, material-saving construction methods. What eco-balance do they offer in comparison...
This presentation discusses the repair and strengthening of reinforced-concrete structures with Ultra-high Performance Fibre Reinforced Shotcrete (UHPFRSC),with special focus on the crack-bridging...
The industrial revolution has reduced human exposure to natural microbes. Our urban environment, buildings and playgrounds moved from green to gray. At the same time our food became more processed....
With publication of DIN 1045-2:2023-08, the technological concreteregulations for use of recycled aggregate were significantly extendedin comparison to DAfStb code of practice “Concrete According to...
In an increasing number of biaxial reinforced concrete slabs, void formers are arranged to displace concrete in those areas, where it is not needed to ensure bearingcapacity and serviceability limit...
The condition of bridge structures is deteriorating rapidly on a global scale due to their increasing lifespan and traffic volume. This poses a hazard to people’s safety, and bridge closures can cause...
Although concrete structures have an above-average life-span of up to a hundred years, concrete is still responsible for around 8 % of global greenhouse gas emissions due to the energy-intensive...
Rock and pop star David Bowie once said: “If you play the same song every day, you have stopped getting better.”When applying this quote to the present types of construction using reinforced concrete...
The first edition of the DAfStb guideline for “Concrete members with non-metallic reinforcement”, prepared by the DAfStb subcommittee “Non-metallic reinforcement”, was published in January 2024. The...
Carbon concrete has become increasingly established in recent years as a new composite material. It is frequently associated with qualities such as sustainable, economical and resource-efficient. As...
Implenia executed its first projects in Germany in 2023 based on Swiss SIA 2052 standard. To date, the repair of bus lanes or the production of precast concrete components as prototypes for...
With the introduction of the DAfStb Guideline “Concrete members with non-metallic reinforcement”, the verification of crack width limitation is standardized for the use of non-metallic reinforcement...
C-UHPFRC is an innovative material that is characterized by its high strength and the formation of very fine multi-cracks. Non-metallic carbon fibers combined with a ultrahigh-strength concrete matrix...
Non-metallic types of reinforcement currently available on the market are mainly offered in flat shapes such as straight bars or grids. Special non-metallic form reinforcements, which are required for...
Owner-managed FloorBridge International GmbH, based in Austria, has been manufacturing joint profiles for structural, movement and construction joints in carbon fiber composite design since 2012. This...
As part of the “RebWeave” project, the universities of Aalen and Ulm are cooperating with Zweigart & Sawitzki GmbH & Co. KG and C-Con GmbH & Co. KG to develop a process suitable for the series...
With this 70-metre-long structure, both an optimum load transfer for the specified length of the bridge and an optimum symbiosis of the materials (timber, concrete, carbon reinforcement) in terms of...
The current design concept of Eurocode 2 (EC2) provides contributions of concrete and shear reinforcement for the design of flat slabs with stirrups as punching-shear reinforcement. Here, a reduced...
The building industry and here, in particular, concrete construction, due to the CO2 emissions involved, significantly contribute to climate change. Although concrete, compared to other materials,...
Successive reduction of CO2 emissions in production of precast elements is a central challenge for many manufacturers of precast elements and other concrete products. The means available in this...
In 2021, the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (DafStb) formulated, in a decision of principle, the goal that climate neutrality of concrete construction methods must be achieved by 2024 at the...
The DafStb code of practice “Concrete floor slabs and roofs made of precast hollowcore slabs,” with date of issue January 2023, has been published by Beuth-Verlag in Berlin in three parts: Part 1:...
Point-supported slabs – flat slabs – allow for an efficient and variable room design and thus sustainable use of buildings. Due to the concentrated load application and the associated risk of punching...
In [1], an approach for determining the moment resistance of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) girders with mixed reinforcement is presented. This approach considers the contribution of the steel...
In [1], an approach for verifying the shear resistance of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) girders is presented. This approach follows Eurocode 2 and the German DAfStb Guideline on „Steel Fiber...
The owner-managed Fuchs corporate family took over the Drössler Group based in Siegen with effect from April 01, 2024 and will continue the business in future as Fuchs Fertigteilwerke Siegen GmbH....
The construction industry is facing immense challenges, among them the need to reduce emissions and to use resources more efficiently. Fiber-reinforced construction plays a key role in managing this...
With patented innovations, the Glatthaar Keller company has decisively shaped the construction of basements and ground slabs over the last 40 years. Now, the company has introduced another...
The very first Peri school in Kenya opened its doors at the end of February 2024 for over 200 children. In Kibera, the largest slum in Nairobi, the first school in the Peri sustainability initiative...
The new bicycle parking facility at Amsterdam‘s central station is situated at the bottom of a newly built town canal (Gracht), therefore underwater. Until a few years ago, this was a pitiful station...
Viguetas Navarras, a major industry player in Spain, is investing in modern equipment for an automated production of precast concrete elements. Machine technology and software of the Progress Group...
We are currently witnessing a remarkable development in the construction industry as the global trend towards prefabrication is gaining momentum at an impressive rate. BT innovation rises to the...
RCPA aspires to be the supplier of choice and market leader in stormwater pipe & associated precast products. The corporate values are communicated as First, Family, Inclusiveness & Innovation,...
In late February of this year, the East Bavarian University of Applied Sciences (OTH) in Regensburg, Germany, held its 33rd Rheological Conference, headed by Prof. Charlotte Thiel. The Conference was...
The BetonTage combine a high-quality technical program with an informative exhibition for the professional and corporate trade public. More than 2,000 visitors from around 20 nations meet from 14 to...
(10) DE102022119127A1(22) 29.07.2022(43) 01.02.2024(57) Der Schachtdeckel mit einem wannenförmigen Unterteil, das einen Boden und einen umlaufenden Rand aufweist, ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das...
(10) CN115419209(22) 10.08.2022(43) 02.12.2022(57) The invention discloses a concrete prefabricated wallboard as well as a preparation method and application thereof. The concrete prefabricated...
(10) DE102022119260A1(22) 01.08.2022(43) 01.02.2024(57) Die Erfindung betrifft ein Raummodul, aufweisend einen, vorzugsweise einstückigen, Raumkorpus mit einer Deckenplatte und wenigstens einer...
(10) DE102022123670B3(22) 15.09.2022(43) 01.02.2024(57) Es wird ein Bordstein-, Pflasterstein- oder Randstein-Ladesystem zum Laden eines Energiespeichers (30) eines elektrisch angetriebenen Fahrzeugs...
(10) DE102022207739A1(22) 27.07.2022(43) 01.02.2024(57) Spanner (8) zur Verbindung eines ersten (2) mit einem zweiten Rahmenschalungselement (3), aufweisend: einen Greifer (11) mit zwei Greifelementen...
(10) EP3957794(22) 13.08.2021(43) 23.02.2022(57) Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft einen Verbundbetonstein (1), der an seinen Längs- (2) und Querkanten (3) mit Distanzhaltern (4, 4‘) und...
(10) EP4317627A1(22) 27.07.2023(43) 07.02.2024(57) Die Erfindung betrifft ein Holz-Beton-Verbundelement (1) und ein Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung. Das Holz-Beton-Verbundelement (1) umfasst ein...