Successful 30 Years of IPHA
As we mark the 30th anniversary of the International Prestressed Hollowcore Association (IPHA), dear readers of BFT International, it is a moment of great pride and reflection for our members, partners and the wider precast construction community. Three decades of international collaboration of prestressed hollowcore companies in partnership with our associate members with an unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence have firmly established IPHA as a cornerstone in the world of prestressed hollowcore floors and the precast concrete industry. IPHA celebrated its 30-year anniversary in Newcastle, Northern Ireland, at its Annual Conference, hosted by Creagh Concrete and Combilift. The delegates and partners experienced a weekend full of activities, including plant visits, keynote speakers and Irish hospitality.
As we look ahead to the next 30 years, the future of prestressed hollowcore technology is brighter than ever. The rapid advancement of digital technologies, including Building Information Modelling (BIM) and artificial intelligence, promises to revolutionize the way we design, manufacture, and build with hollowcore systems. IPHA is committed to leading the charge in integrating these technologies and to ensure that our members remain at the cutting edge of innovation.
Furthermore, the global focus on sustainable construction presents new opportunities for prestressed hollowcore products. Our association will continue to advocate environmentally friendly practices and to explore new ways for enhancing the sustainability of our industry. Here‘s to the next 30 years of IPHA – a future filled with promise, progress, and prosperity.