
Your search for "" found 8021 Hits

Workshop:Cement and Concrete for Africa

The workshop highlights recent developments in the field of cement and concrete research with impact on the local and global economy. Challenges, future developments and opportunities for the African...

Issue 07/2011 50th anniversary of Würschum

Dosing machines with global success

The line of products includes metering cylinders, electronic weighers, gear pumps, piston metering machines, complete filling lines and metering systems. Amongst the customers are companies from the...

Issue 07/2011 Wire Center

A circulation line automatically reinforces itself

Today, Bürkle can proudly look back to a company history extending over more than 75 years. Starting out as a craft business, Bürkle evolved continuously and became a group of companies comprising...

Issue 07/2011 Concrete plant with complex processes

Control technology made in Austria

Tailor-made for the requirements of the industry Since the end of the 70s, Baumgartner Automation has been concerned with the characteristics of the construction industry. At that time, a...

Issue 07/2011 Universal concrete block machine

Reaching to the future

Arriving visitors had the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the broad offerings of Techmatik and the company’s technological processes, including the first „live“ appearance of the newest...

Issue 07/2011 Modern energy concept saves resources

BHS-Sonthofen invests seven million euros at the Sonthofen location

The reason for the new building is the continuous growth of the company, which delivers systems for mechanical processing technologies to all corners of the globe: machines for mixing, crushing,...

Issue 07/2011 Countries and markets 2011

Construction industry in the USA – Part 1 Underground engineering / infrastructure

In 2011, the construction industry in the U.S. has passed a slight recession in the field of civil engineering as a whole, but it is most probably expected to enjoy a stable growth at the turn of 2011...

Issue 07/2011 Much more benefit

Further development of the production boards

Engineers and technicians of the company continue to work on further improving the unique properties of the board in order to make it even more comfortable and profitable for the customer to use them....

Issue 07/2011 Colored concrete for durable esthetics

Schomburg ICS offers color slurries and pigments

Schomburg ICS GmbH located in Detmold (Germany) can make use of the experience gained over decades in the area of competence of Rethmeier – concrete technology. Their comprehensive product range for...

Issue 07/2011 Optimization of logistics processes for the cement, lime, gypsum and the bulk solids industries

VAS V5 software now completely web-based

In this way, it is not only possible to adapt the look and feel of the respective corporate design of the company. By using central templates, it also allows to define standard processes that only...


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