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Issue 06/2023

Ladies and Gentlemen,

on December 9, 2022, the Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache (German Language Society) selected “Zeitenwende” as the word of the year 2022. This term refers to a change or transition in society, or to a...

Issue 06/2023


As all are aware, concrete is an indispensable and highly versatile material that plays a crucial role in modern society. It has been an integral part of countless infrastructure projects throughout...

Issue 06/2023

Climate-neutral building stock and neighborhoods – Significant contributions from concrete components

Holistic system approaches for constructing climate-neutral buildings and neighborhoods are being developed and tested in a number of major collaborative projects funded by the Federal Ministry for...

Issue 06/2023

High-insulation mineral foams for recycling separated according to type

With the European Green Deal, the European Commission has presented an action plan that envisages a more efficient use of resources and the transition to a clean and circular economy in less than a...

Issue 06/2023

Concrete mixers as milestones for high-quality end products

Masa is a manufacturer of efficiant and durable production plants for the building materials industry. The quality of the final products manufactured in these plants is influenced by many factors....

Issue 06/2023 EUROBEND

Rotor straightening machines for rebar with the latest maintenance-free 5G rotors

Eurobend has more than 30 years of experience in the construction of CNC controlled machines and offers a wide range of equipment for the rebar processing, such as 2D and 3D automatic stirrup bender,...

Issue 06/2023 CORTEC EUROPE

How to make concrete structures more sustainable with MCI-2005

Sustainability: This concept of environmental responsibility and renewability is at the forefront of many minds today. When it comes to construction, multiple pieces play into this puzzle, especially...


Bludenz recycling yard: Concrete 3D realized concrete ceiling weighing a third less

The Bludenz recycling yard on Klarenbrunnstraße being just completed features a particular flat roof: It is 32.5 % lighter than comparable concrete roof slabs. In this way, 33 tons of greenhouse gases...

Issue 06/2023

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

since the format used last year at the CCU Ulm has proved successful,we want to use it again and develop it further. We have added many new elements to enable us to offer even better service to our...

Issue 06/2023

Ultra-thin colored façade elements made of UHPC

In 2020, we received an inquiry to participate in the Sports Center façade project of Vytautas Magnus University. The Sports Center is named after Valdas Adamkus, the former Lithuanian president and...


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