DB-Anchor of Pfeifer with ETA approval
For many years now, Pfeifer has been providing the user with their products for permanent fixing in precast concrete construction. In this regard, a principal difference is made between so-called constructural fixing elements and such that are relevant in terms of national technical approval.
Pfeifer socket dowels and Pfeifer polyamide sockets qualify for constructional fixing purposes. Whereas Pfeifer DB-Anchors (Fig. 1a + b) – are used for fixing purposes requiring national technical approval. (Fixing elements are relevant in terms of national technical approval if their failure can cause a threat to life or physical condition, or considerable economic losses).
However, these products have one thing in common – they are cast in already when concreting. Any kind of fixing can be realized by simply screwing on after hardening of the concrete. Pfeifer provides DB-Anchors with an...