The new generation in magnet and shuttering technology
In 2002, the Magdeburg-based company B.T. innovation GmbH had patented a positioning tool for magnetic clamps. This refers to base system coupled with springs used to avoid the immediate activation of the holding power when a magnet is placed on a tilting table, a circulation pallet or any other magnetic shuttering surface but leaving a small air gap in the first instance.
Thus, the magnet can be precisely aligned quite easily and afterwards being activated with a slight pressure so that it may develop its full holding power then. Thanks to this simple but very useful idea the MagFly® magnetic clamps advanced within a very short time to one of the most successful magnet systems in the precast concrete industry. In combination with the shuttering carrier system MultiForm® they replaced the conventional shuttering construction with wood and chip boards used in many stationary production lines and the fastening systems of the same by means of conventional magnets....