Multifunctional façade panels for an improved carbon footprint
The Tabsolar concept intends to close a gap in terms of generating renewable energy using the building envelope. This design comprises slender, flow-through UHPC panels that are highly resource-efficient and cost-effective. The Tabsolar II low-temperature solar-thermal subproject funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy as part of the “EnOB – Forschung für Energieoptimiertes Bauen” (Research for Energy-Optimized Construction) program included several work steps, namely improving the spectrally selective coating technique in response to practical needs, developing and testing true-to-scale tools for flow-through components, and enhancing the UHPC and its use for façade panels, whose absorption rate currently lies between 93 % and 96 %. The follow-up project aims to design the prototype of a machine for the automated production of façade panels. G.tecz will take on head responsibility for developing the manufacturing process.