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Issue 01/2012

56th BetonTage congress: Shaping change sustainably

On the theme of „Shaping Change“, the congress to be held from 7 to 9 February 2012 at Edwin-Scharff-Haus in Neu-Ulm will inform attendees of the latest technical, legal and economic trends in the...

Issue 01/2012

More efficient production and assembly

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the end-to-end integration of building information relevant to design, execution and use in a central database. As in the automotive and mechanical and plant...

Issue 01/2012

Planetary Mixer Xentrix

The mixing process is the most significant and sensitive part of the production process of concrete, and choosing the correct mixer for the process is extremely important. SIMEM with more than...

Issue 01/2012

Problems at pan-type mixers solved

Every person involved in concrete manufacturing knows the countless problems with hardened concrete caused by worn out mixing arm bearings and spring units. Pan mixers of any common manufacturer...

Issue 01/2012

Why does not any concrete mixer perform “well”?

In accordance with the state of the art, standards stipulate in general comprehensive and objective criteria when describing processes or properties. However, this is not always true when it comes to...

Issue 01/2012

The Benefits of a Digital Moisture Measurement Technique

There are various methods of using microwaves to measure moisture. The most common method used in the concrete industry is the resonant cavity technique. In the past, an analogue microwave sensor...

Issue 01/2012

Haarup batching and mixing plant

The Wiesensee GmbH & Co. KG company has now expanded its existing production facilities by an additional batching and mixing plant. In this regard, it was especially challenging that the new equipment...

Issue 01/2012

Latest innovation presented by KVM International A/S

In early November KVM in Denmark presented their latest innovations at an Open Day. Hundreds of people who attended the event watched demonstrations of the new filling box concept and were able to see...

Issue 01/2012

Driven pile production on a circulation system

A new pallet circulation system went into operation in the precast concrete plant in 2010. The factory concept had to fulfill several tasks. First of all, they had to manage the limited space on the...

Issue 01/2012

A new member of the supervisory board at PCI

Andreas Köllreuter being mem­­­ber of the management board will join the supervisory board of PCI Augsburg GmbH as of January 1, 2012. In future, the PCI’s management board will consist of the...


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