
Your search for "" found 8021 Hits

Issue 04/2011 Safety

Autoclaved aerated concrete as an obstacle for burglars

In this regard, the German standard DIN V ENV 1627: 1999-04 „windows, doors, shutters - burglar resistance - requirements and classifications“ including the national notes are the basis for the...

Issue 04/2011 German technology in Turkey

Largest AAC production line worldwide

AKG started producing AAC in 1990, named Cementas Hebel at that time, and set up the second Hebel plant in Kirikkale. The total production capacity of the existing plants comes close to 1 million...

Issue 04/2011 Highest requirements

Paving block factory in Belgium invests in future technology

When the paving block factory was fully utilized and the production quality of the concrete products did no longer satisfy the requirements of the company‘s management, Prefer opted for a new...

Issue 04/2011

Issue 04/2011

Issue 04/2011 High-contrast exterior faces with concrete pavers from Stein+Design

History meets modernism

In designing the monumental massive brickwork structure, he was inspired by the paradigms of both classicism and expressionism. In 1924, in addition to the office spaces, the Film Studio Glückauf was...

Issue 04/2011

Issue 04/2011 VDMA Construction Equipment

Brazilian Market has High Potential

From January to August this year the orders for construction machinery increased by 60% compared to the previous year. In this connection many more impulses came from abroad than from the domestic...


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