Innovation: Dyckerhoff Blue Star: CO2-reduced white cement

Dyckerhoff is the first cement manufacturer to develop a white pozzolanic cement using natural pozzolanas. This makes Dyckerhoff the first and only manufacturer to obtain an approval for a white pozzolanic cement (CEM IV / A (P) 42.5 R).

As market leader for white cement, Dyckerhoff has set its goal of making a contribution toward improving the CO2 footprint, and thus to climate protection, for white cements as well.

Following long and intensive development work, the decision was made to take a first step for the use of natural pozzolanas as substitute for white cement clinker. This required a comprehensive analysis of the pozzolanas available. In particular, the requirements placed on color and pozzolanicity were decisive for selection. Here, Dyckerhoff was able to draw on the great expertise available in the manufacture and use of pozzolanic cements by Buzzi, in Italy, and the in the production of trass cements in Germany. Following selection of suitable provenance, an entirely new binding agent was developed in comprehensive experiments regarding selection, drying and grinding.

The white pozzolanic cement was launched on the market in June 2023 under the trademark-protected name Dyckerhoff Weiss Blue Star. By now, Dyckerhoff Weiss Blue Star is already in use in numerous plants in the production of concrete products, precast elements and also in the mortar industry.

Dyckerhoff Weiss Blue Star attains the required technical performance, despite its reduced clinker content. In production, in comparison to CEM I-cement, approx. 15 % less CO2 per ton cement is emitted. Dyckerhoff Weiss Blue Star is manufactured in strength class 42, 5 R and is characterized by very good early strength and a final strength comparable to CEM I cements. Worthy of special note are the customary brilliance and uniform color of the new white pozzolanic cement – because that is the USP of Dyckerhoff Weiss.


Dyckerhoff GmbH

Biebricher Str. 68

65203 Wiesbaden/Germany

+49 611 676-1171


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