
Your search for "" found 8020 Hits

Mechanical paver laying

Laying in patterns – easier and more quickly

Pavers are delivered in packs of formatted block layers. With some formations, e.g. the herringbone bond, getting hold of the block layers poses no problems when concrete blocks are concerned. The...

MagFly®AP and FlyFrame®

The new generation in magnet and shuttering technology

Thus, the magnet can be precisely aligned quite easily and afterwards being activated with a slight pressure so that it may develop its full holding power then. Thanks to this simple but very useful...

An interesting alternative

Wall elements made of polystyrene concrete

Polystyrene concrete is a lightweight concrete characterized by a dense structure consisting of cement, expanded polystyrene, fine sand, water and admixtures. This concrete has a density of just p =...

On the way to the top

Contemporary production of precast concrete stairs

At the beginning, the company was specialized in spiral staircases. Owing to this niche product the company was steadily growing in the market of concrete staircases. Twelve years ago, they started to...

Issue 01/2010

Happy New Year!

Dear Readers, Now that we have left the economically difficult year of 2009 behind us, we look forward to all of the better things to come and the new tasks that await us. Exactly one year ago, the...

Issue 01/2010 Efficient construction method

Bearings without complex bracket strips

The manufacturers united in VBBF (German association for the promotion and development of fastening, reinforcement and façade technology) are jointly committed to realize efficient concrete...

Issue 01/2010 Patent

Mixing arm of Pucest®

Every concrete worker is familiar with the pictures of a worn out mixing arm bearing and spring units with hardened concrete residues. As is well-known, all these may result in numerous problems. Pan...

Issue 01/2010 Successful product with new features

The new sensor Hydro-Mix

Building on the success of the Hydro-Mix VI, the new generation sensor features the following four aspects: New Signal Processing Features Filtering has always been useful to minimise the noise in...

Issue 01/2010 Subsequent connection

Reinforcement systems for subsequently connected reinforced-concrete brackets

What solutions are available? As a solution, Halfen company provides two different versions for a subsequent connection. One option is the Halfen HBT Rebend Connection type 7. The closed casing is...

Issue 01/2010

Patents 1/2010

Ihre Suche nach "" :

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