
Your search for "" found 8020 Hits

Issue 07/2009 Continuous concrete tile curing chambers and automated handling system for Marley Eternit

The Modernisation of a Concrete Roof Tile Plant in the United Kingdom

Marley Eternit is part of the worldwide Etex Group and is the leading provider of roofing and cladding solutions to the construction industry. The group was formed in 2005 after the amalgamation of...

Issue 07/2009 Coloring pigments in concrete

Remedies for fluctuations in raw materials and concrete recipes?

The consumer clearly distinguishes between the requirements on synthetic surfaces, on the one hand, and natural surfaces on the other hand: Strongly influenced by the modern design of elegant...

Issue 07/2009 Winches operated in a coordinated fashion open up new streamlining potentials

Automated handling of concrete elements using wire robots

Initial situation The transport of products or components in a manufacturing or dispatch environment is a process that does not add any value, which particularly applies to large, heavyweight...

Issue 07/2009 Architectural concrete with Dyckerhoff Weiss

Design and execution of architectural concrete surfaces

The term “architectural concrete” is generally used to refer to “visually appealing concrete surfaces” [DIN 18 217], which are also termed “visible” or “exposed” surfaces. It is this...

Issue 07/2009 “Comparative Ecological Balance“ study

Construction of surfaces for public thoroughfares using different surface layers

The investigation was carried out by the well-known and accredited organisation PE INTERNATIONAL GmbH on behalf of BetonMarketing Deutschland GmbH and the concrete association SLG. It also underwent a...


Use of Paschal “modular universal formwork”

Paschal-Werk G. Maier GmbH, normally being the supplier of concrete formwork systems, this time is the recipient of the same: the construction company Werner Ritter (Schuttenwald/Germany) pulled down...


New: Amdurit wear plates made by Ammann

It is the objective of every plant operator to optimize the plant maintenance. In this regard, wear protection inside the mixer is an issue in the precast concrete plant. For this purpose, Ammann is...


Schöck honored for pioneering spirit in Central and Eastern Europe

During the award ceremony at GUM – the oldest and noblest department store in Moscow – in Red Square the prize “honorable mention” in the country category Germany was presented to Schöck...


Outlook of the German cement industry

The German cement industry is sceptical about the prospects for the cement sector during the coming year. However, according to an evaluation by the cement manu-facturers, the measures taken so far by...


Tested fastening systems guarantee cost-efficient construction

In concrete construction and especially in precast construction innovative system solutions are more and more applied, which make the construction method not just more efficient and cost-effective,...


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